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The Full Story

Our journey through the tech sales universe was like two meteors on a collision course, fueled by a shared love for seeing women shine in the tech space and a passion for “breaking the mold.” We quickly became each other’s biggest supporters. 


As we navigated the maze of sales strategies and revenue charts, we recognized each other's drive and ambition, forming a dynamic duo that rivals avocado and toast. Together, we honed our skills and expertise, preparing for the day we'd venture out on our own. 


And thus, KT Co was born, with a mission to bring levity and unparalleled drive to shake up business consulting and sales outsourcing. Our approach isn't just about crunching numbers and closing deals; it's about strategy, leveraging emotional intelligence, and a deep understanding of the ever-shifting sales landscape.


We hope your success story will intertwine with ours!



Kate & Kathryn

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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